Welcome to my food blog!

I enjoy cooking and eating just as much as creating art, so I have created this blog to share my passion for food. My collection of recipes have been inspired by my travels to various places, including Vietnam, Italy, and New York City and by close family and friends who share in my passion for food. I have been told that I cook like I paint, oftentimes throwing in ingredients with no measuring tools and using whatever I find available. The upside is that I never create the same exact dish twice. The downside is I never create the same exact dish twice. But one thing for sure, it's always unique and tasty and in the end, that's what counts. I want to share these amazing experiences of cooking and eating with you. I cook by sight, so it's a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Every ingredient is an approximation, so you would have to use your own judgment to add or decrease salt, pepper or any other ingredient depending on your taste. I will try my best to use some measurements (for those of you who might be interested in trying out these recipes). Feel free to make any comments or suggestions.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Eggs for Breakfast

Eggs are so great for breakfast, especially fried eggs with soy sauce. Although soy sauce on eggs sounds odd (well, ketchup on eggs is just as odd), this unlikely pairing is surprisingly tasty.

This breakfast dish is actually inspired by my little sister Annie. She concocted this recipe using Italian herbs bought from a specialty store in New York City (another post on specialty food stores coming in the near future). It is comprised of fried eggs topped with sauteed onions, plum tomatoes, Italian dry herbs, and soy sauce.

My dish is a simple version of this, taking only a few minutes to make. They go so well with whole wheat toasts. Try them out for a breakfast change.

INGREDIENTS: servings of 2

olive oil
4 eggs
1 tablespoon or more of soy sauce
1 or 2 medium size plum tomatoes
2 slices of whole wheat toasts
half of an onion diced (white or red)


1) In a non-stick pan, pour in olive oil and butter.

2) Fry the eggs over easy. Season with dry parsley, a pinch of chili flakes and half a tablespoon of soy sauce (or more, according to taste).

3) Transfer the eggs to a plate.

4) Pour in a little more olive oil, saute the onions and tomatoes. Season with the rest of the soy sauce.

5) Pour the tomato chutney over the eggs, add a pinch of pepper (and salt if needed) and serve with whole wheat toasts.


  1. One of my favorite breakfast dishes! I actually don't like tomatoes very much - unless they're cooked with eggs. In fact, it's quite tasty to cook them before the eggs, or even with them, to further incorporate the flavor of the tomato in the egg. It's really up to the chef. :)

  2. You do an amazing job with this recipe. Sometimes, I put the eggs back in the pan and fold the tomato sauce over the eggs to get more flavor. Thanks for the suggestions :-)

  3. This is such a simple a delicious dish. I ate this every morning with my sister with some English Breakfast tea when I was visiting her. It is hard to eat a full traditional breakfast every morning but this never gets old...I love it! Making it for breakfast tomorrow.
